The Cognomovement Ball is used by Cognomovement Practitioners across the world and it has shown to have a range of benefits.
In this blog we'll look at 7 benefits individuals can experience using the Cognomovement Ball.
1. Engages your kinesthetic sense
By holding the Cognomovement Ball in both hands you are engaging your sense of 'touch'. We learn through our senses, and 'touch' is one of those learning centres.
2. Engages your visual sense
By following the Cognomovement Ball with your eyes you are engaging your 'visual' sense, another one of our learning centres.
3. Engages your auditory sense
By calling out the colour you see on the ball you are not only using your voice, you are also using your sense of 'hearing'. The more learning centres we engage, the better the possible outcome.
4. Engages both hemispheres of the brain
By moving the ball from left to right and following it with your eyes, you are engaging both hemispheres of the brain, and passing information about the issue from one hemisphere to the other hemisphere, thereby letting both sides of the brain see the issue. Each side of the brain has different functions and views things differently.
5. Engages the 7 major energy centres (Chakras) in the body
Whilst moving the ball and working up the body, we work with the 7 major energy centres of the body: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras.
6. Calms the amygdala (fight or flight response)
By calling out the colour when moving the ball from left to right you are calming the amygdala, part of the limbic system in the brain, in relation to the troubling issue. What this does is change the way the troubling issue is represented in our bodily systems from one that elicits the fight or flight response (adrenaline and cortisol) to one of neutrality about the issue.
7. Connecting the eye positions with place cells in the brain
When focussing on a symbol on the ball and doing an infinity (a side ways figure 8), each eye position connects with a corresponding place cell in the brain. If the symbol is out of focus, it tells us there is a 'glitch' in the connection, and we work until the symbol comes clearly into focus. It is believed that what happens is that the 'glitch' is either ironed out, or that other brain cells have taken over the activity (re-routed), known as neuroplasticity. Once the symbols are all in focus in various positions of the eyes, the problem is no longer in existence.
Call me on 07960 364555 if you'd like to book an appointment, or if you would like further information on what a Transformational Cognomovement session could do for you!